pksl: A Novel On-Chain Strain of the bktrio Microbe

The Bktrio research team is excited to unveil "pksl", a groundbreaking on-chain strain of the bktrio microbe. This innovative development features a vivid and diverse array of characteristics, including brutally pixelated designs, irregular animations, and randomly combined attributes that result in visually surprising and captivating organisms. pksl microbes are clean, cute, scary, overwhelming, and teeming with life, showcasing an extraordinary blend of aesthetics.

As the first collection from bktrio to incorporate randomized attribute combinations, pksl pushes the boundaries of microbial design. The collection comprises an extensive variety of components, with 63 distinct backgrounds, 207 unique head shapes, 109 facial designs, and 25 overlaying visual effects. This vast array of possibilities ensures that each pksl microbe is a one-of-a-kind creation.

Additionally, pksl introduces the enigmatic ‣ attribute, which ranges from 0 to 12. Currently, little is known about the implications or potential applications of this attribute, but our researchers are working diligently to uncover its secrets.

The complete pksl collection consists of 4,096 individual microbes, each securely stored on the Ethereum blockchain. This cutting-edge approach to microbial research highlights the growing intersection of science and technology, as we continue to explore the uncharted territory of on-chain microbes.

pksl - Collection